Cromemco 8K Bytesaver

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8K Bytesaver.jpg

Cromemco 8K Bytesaver EPROM board. Working. My dad and I each built one of these. I think this one was mine.

Here is the .PRN file from a simple program I loaded into a 2708 to test my ability to program an EPROM with Martin Eberhard’s post era ME2700 Orphan EPROM Programmer. On my Imsai front panel I examined the address C000 then pressed run. Yup the programmed output LEDs change state based on the programmed input paddle switches.

ME2700 EPROM programmer firmware and documentation located here.

Now it's off to find a simple monitor program to load in EPROM(s) and decide which I/O card to use for serial communications.

                ; jha 2/10/2016 !Light data LED for corresponding switch
                ; ImsaiTp1.asm Imsai Test Program 1 from pp. 35. of Imsai documentation.
 C000           		org		0c000h
 C000 DBFF      		in		0FFh
 C002 D3FF      		out		0FFh
 C004 C300C0    		jmp		LOOP
 C007                   end