AVR Oscilloscope Clock

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Dutchtronix AVR Oscilloscope Clock

This is not my original intellectual property. It originated at Dutchtronix where the original author is not selling kits anymore. He has supplied gerber files and source code.

This page documents my work at duplicating the PCB and assembling one for an upcoming project. I bought one from him many years ago (pictured). FWIW I have a SparkFun version too


I have a twitter thread going that may have some helpful comments from folks in replies...

I've got a shared project of the PCB on OSHPark as JOClock - Dutchtronix Oclock2008 I don't do a lot of design work however when I do I use KiCad. I'm not particularly interested in learning EAGLEsoft now at AutoDesk. I'd like to add a bottom silkscreen with info on create date and notice that this isn't Dutchtronix work. Some kind of versioning is nice to have even if the PCB is a direct copy, at least a production date. Not sure if OSHPark has any markings on the Silkscreen. I'm also checking out PCBWay however the gerber files from Dutchtronix are not working as PCBWay wants RS-274X format files and apparently these Eaglesoft v5.11 design files didn't produce RS-274x gerbers.


AVR Oscilloscope Clock PCB.jpeg Tektronix 602 AVR Oscilloscope Clock.jpeg



Parts List

Experimenting with how to display this. It's in .ODS format exported to HTML here.

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<colgroup width="272"></colgroup> <colgroup width="107"></colgroup> <colgroup width="80"></colgroup> <colgroup width="222"></colgroup> <colgroup width="199"></colgroup> <colgroup width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="181"></colgroup> <colgroup width="82"></colgroup>
Description Part Quantity Notes Digikey unit price Mouser Unit price
Printed Circuit Board H3.1   1 PCB

ATmega328p-20PU Microcontroller IC1 1 Preprogrammed CPU ATMEGA328-PU-ND 1.90 556-ATMEGA328-PU 1.90
AD7302 D/A Converter IC2 1 Creates Voltage levels AD7302BNZ-ND 7.97 584-AD7302BNZ 7.97
NXP/Philips RTC PCF8563 IC3 1 RTC non stock
non stock
HIN232ACP Level Converter IC5 1 RS-232

Lithium battery BATTERY 1 Keep time when turned off

20 Mhz crystal HC-49/US Q1 1 CPU Crystal

32Khz crystal Q4 1 for RTC

BAT-42/BAT-85 schottky diodes D3-D4 2 Battery Protection

1N4001 diode D5 1 Reverse polarity protection


1K Trimpot R8 1 Reference Voltage

Momentary Tactile switch S1-S2 2 User Interface

Power Switch S3 1 Power


3 mm red led D1 1 Power indicator

3 mm green led D2 1 User Interface

LM7805 IC4 1 Power Supply regulator

2N3904 NPN Q3 1 Intensity Inverter

2-pin header POWER-M 1 Power

3-pin RS-232 connector socket RS-232-F 1 RS232


10 uF cap C7-C8 2 Power stability

100 uF cap C6,C17 2 Power stability

22 pF caps C3-C4 2 For Atmega Crystal

100 nF cap C1-C2,C5,
9 Power stability, DC-DC

10K pull-up resistors R1-R5 5 Glue

1K resistor R6-R7,R14 3 Glue

470R Resistor R9 1 LED current limiter

4K7 Resistor R13 1 Intensity Inverter

28 pin socket IC1 socket 1 CPU

20 pin socket IC2 socket 1 DAC

8 pin socket IC3 socket 1 RTC

16 pin socket IC4 socket 1 RS232

2-pin header JP6 1 1 PPS feed

3-pin header GND 1 Ground for probes

1-pin header Z 1 Intensity Control

1-pin header ZINV 1 Intensity Control

3-pin header VCCSELECT 1 Power source Selection

3-pin header RXROUTE 1 RS232

3-pin header TXROUTE 1 RS232

shunt for headers SHORT 4 Various

Turret Terminals CH1-CH2 2 Scope connectors

Power Jack J1 1 Power

DB-9 connector X1 1 RS232

BNC connectors J2-J3 2 Scope Connectors

